
At Mera Ghar we work on each girl, understanding their obstacles and helping them overcome those hurdles.
From private tutoring to formal education in prestigious institutions, we arrange for them to receive the best academic facilities possible.
From primary education to enrolment into Universities, our goal is to make each girl independent, self-sufficient and a productive member of this society so they are able to live with their heads held high, support their families and create a better future for us all.

In addition to providing a safe and nurturing environment in Mera Ghar, our girls have been introduced to rich and affluent cultures in stories and tales. Whether it’s the magical realm of Hogwarts or uncovering sinister ploys with the 'Famous Five' and 'The Secret Seven', our girls immerse themselves in them.

Religious and Moral Studies
The doors of Mera Ghar are open to all, regardless of cast, creed and colour. We encourage religious tolerance and freedom of thought and speech. Moral and spiritual guidance form a huge crux of one's character, thus we at Mera Ghar allow girls to sit in Quran classes, recite hymns and engage in healthy discussions in regards to ethics amongst themselves and with volunteer speakers.